The second week introduced concepts of Computer-aided Design which involved the understanding of Pixels and vector. The concept of this was very relative and familiar to the role of Meshes and NURBs in parametric modelling. Without an understanding the difference of these different ways of contour modelling, fabrication related processes would be troublesome. There was a brief introduction to the online community and resources around Blender, which is fairly new but a very powerful, open-source and a fairly new 3D modelling software. Certain emphasis on workflow control in Rhino through plug-ins like Grasshopper, Kangaroo and GIMP were discussed briefly. Through the journeys across Second Term, mastering Rhino and Blender secures my first priority. As personal explorations, you’ll find below a few of the first models that were modelled on Rhino. Basic introductory techniques like extrusion, array, boolean difference, revolve and sweep were explored. The following space will soon occupy a few rendered entities that represent my learning through this week.